travel back

Our lines of family and friends travel deep, sometimes we’re able to see the lines and other times we’re left attempting to redraw the lines through hints and mysteries passed down through those hidden lines.


Untold stories, crumbling in the shadows of trees that could tell the stories if only their limbs could talk through the wind. As we journey this path called life, we’re all one step closer to the same “ending”. A rebirth into the Earth with the microbes, roots and sun. Allowing the nature that we once utilized to live, now use us to live.

One stop on the back roads that is always worth the detour, old cemeteries. Now with websites to connect the dots, we can see the lines connecting us to where we come from and where the lines can go to. Family or not family, these crumbling cemeteries tell the stories of the small towns—some towns which once thrived and provided a vibrant life, and some towns with only local family stories. Pieces of our humanity growing, pieces of our humanity rebirthing…all within the fences of silent cemeteries.


Information on Williamsburg Cemetery, Williamsburg, IN: FindAGrave



